About our Will Writing and Trust Services

Our Will writing service is provided by our in-house team of Institute of Professional Will writers (IPW Qualified) Will writers.
What should you do if probate has been applied for?

Wills that have gone to probate will be made public record along with the grant of probate once it has been issued.
How can you tell if a Will is Valid?

A valid Will is a legal document expressing your wishes in regards to the distribution of your estate including property and other assets.
Problems and disputes

It is a sad but true fact that the passing away of a family member can cause a dispute within the family.
How the 7 years rule applies to Inheritance Tax

You shouldn’t be afraid of giving your loved one’s gifts, you don’t immediately incur inheritance tax when you make a gift whilst you’re alive.
Do you have to pay tax on a Gift?

Not every gift you give in your lifetime is going to be subject to inheritance tax.
What is Inheritance tax?

Not every estate has to pay inheritance tax. It depends on the value of the estate and whether additional tax allowances can be applied.
What happens to a person’s debt after they die?

As an executor it’s important to establish all and any debts connected to the estate.
What is a probate valuation?

A probate valuation is used for probate and Inheritance tax calculations in order to correctly asses the estates tax liabilities.
Dying without a Will – Intestacy

When a person dies without a will, they are said to have died “intestate.” An Intestate estate is the property and assets of a deceased person who left no Will.